A Moving Beverage; Cold Drinks Vendor Guarantees Quality
Close by Tainan University of Technology is one very special cold drinks vendor. The proprietor of this mobile drinks van is never without his shirt and black hat, quite clearly a source of inconvenience in his job. However, in order to give customers a first rate service akin to restaurant quality he is willing to make this sacrifice. It wasn’t until after the interview did we realize that the boss has in fact suffered from cancer for many years, and consequently has a firm conviction to live every moment to the very fullest, full of meaning and completely in the present moment.
A Moving Beverage; Cold Drinks Vendor Guarantees Quality (by CJ CJCU NEWS)
一杯飲料的感動 冷飲車堅持服務品質 (公民記者 長榮大傳系CJCU NEWS 報導)
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