Painted Banana Paradise
In Qishenshan, Kaohsiung County, an area that suffered serious flooding in the Typhoon Morakot disaster, locals from the Xizhou Nanxin Community Development Association have got together to begin to beautify their environment, bringing the area’s history alive by painting the story of the traditional local banana culture on bare walls around the community. The group, comprising of grandmothers, mothers and children, have passed away many hours and days under the scorching sun, and stroke by stoke brought to life the glorious past of Qishenshan Village. In former years Qishen was named ‘The Banana Kingdom’, and the women of the village played essential role both in the fields as well as performing their daily house choirs – in essence running the whole show and contributing a great deal to the development of the banana kingdom.
Painted Banana Paradise – Grandma Paints Heaven on Earth (by CJ DomoWorks)
彩繪香蕉心樂園 阿嬤畫出新天地 (公民記者 瞳夢工場DomoWorks 報導)
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