Information on Typhoon Megi
On the 21st of October, Typhoon Megi brought in over 1000 millimeters of rain in just a single day, resulting in horrendous flooding in Suao as well as in many other outlying areas. Many roads have been cut off and Nanfangao fishing village experienced some of the worst flooding in over 50 years. Landslides were also evident depositing a huge amount of stones and silt onto Nan public road in Nanfangao, cutting off the road. Yishan Road district is also facing serious flooding problems and the road to Nanfangao Village and has also been completely cut off. On top of all this, at 108 Km, the road in the direction of Hualian completely collapsed severing road communications along the Suao-Hualian highway. As a result of this spate of torrential rain brought in by Typhoon Megi, 7600 households experienced power cuts and 1200 households were left with no water supply.
Information on Typhoon Megi: Images of Nanfangao Disaster Region (by CJ Li Zhong-wei)
Joint Effects of North-East Monsoon and Typhoon Megi Cause Severe Flooding in Yilan District (by CJ Yilan life)
南方澳災情影像地圖(公民記者 李忠衛 報導)
受梅姬颱風外圍環流及東北季風雙重影響,宜蘭地區出現豪大雨導致積水嚴重。(公民記者 宜蘭在地生活 報導)
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