Local creativity passes on Fengshan culture and revitalizes shopping district economy
Chung-Hua Street Shopping District is a vital food district for locals surrounded by rich cultural monuments such as Fengshan Old City, the Caogong Canal, and Caogong Temple. Thanks to the Economic Development Bureau (EDB) setting up an innovation base to help the transformation of this district, many more people have been attracted to learn about the charm of Chung-Hua Street, which has revitalized the local economy.
The innovation base, which brings the community and store owners together to build consensus, is named after Fengshan's old Taiwanese name Ē-pi-thâu - Shopping & Talk in English. It is hoped that with a team of professionals stationed there to promote the development of the district's characteristics and drive creativity, the shopping district will continue to preserve the traditional cultural elements of Fengshan and create precious local memories that facilitate coexistence with the neighboring residents and stores. Ultimately, the goal is to attract more people to enjoy the rich history and charm of Fengshan.
地方創生傳承鳳山文化 活絡商圈經濟
中華街商圈是鳳山在地人的美食街區,周邊有鳳山老城、曹公圳、曹公廟等豐富的人文古蹟 。透過經發局輔導商圈轉型,設置創生基地,以吸引更多人認識中華街的魅力,並活絡商圈經濟。
鳳山創生基地以鳳山古地名「下陂頭」為名,串連社區與店家凝聚共識,由專人駐點推動商圈發展特色,帶動人潮。希望在ㄧ群人的努力下,商圈仍能持續保有鳳山的傳統文化特色,也能和周邊居民或店家共創在地記憶 共存共榮,進而讓更多人認識鳳山百年古都的人文魅力。