
PeoPo Try Shoot+ Fengshan Innovation Base: Transformation and innovation in Chung-Hua Street Shopping DistrictPeoPo Try Shoot+ Fengshan Innovation Base: Transformation and innovation in Chung-Hua Street Shopping District

2023/06/06 14:05
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The second PeoPo Try Shoot+ event of 2023 came to Chung-Hua Street Shopping District in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, to focus on how Fengshan Innovation Base is helping to transform old stores and breathe new life into the once-fading morning market. Located next to Fengshan MRT Station, Chung-Hua Street Shopping District is a well-known local food hub with many old stores operating for more than 40 years, many of which have been taken over by second and third generations to continue protecting the familiar old taste.

In recent years, Chung-Hua Street Shopping District has struggled to thrive in the face of generational shifts and the impact of Covid-19. To address this issue, the Economic Development Bureau (EDB) set up an “innovation base” to revitalize the district and guide the transformation of local stores. For this latest Try Shoot+ event, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform and Fengshan Community College helped acquaint citizen journalists with the history and revitalization of Fengshan Old Street by participating in local tours and meeting project managers.


PeoPo Try拍+ 鳳山創生基地 中華街商圈轉型與創新









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