
Protesters Clash with Police Over Pig Farm Development

2010/10/20 11:01
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Over 100 residents of Laiyi and Xinpi Townships in Pingtung County came together to defiantly protest over the development of a large-scale pig farm close to an important water source.  Village chief, Lian Zheng-san expressed his concern that Gaojian village orchards would be seriously affected by as early as next year as a result of large-scale excavation work that had started below the area on the 1st of July. Local workers were of the opinion that increased housefly activity due to the development would aid pollination and blooming of the orchard trees, however village elder Lian Zheng-san disagreed and believes that the long-term increase of exposure to houseflies will on the contrary lead to a darkening of the fruit tree leaves and in turn damage the health of the trees, encroaching upon the villagers livelihood. He also pointed out that Jiale hospital and Shitou Village in Xsinpi Township and situated nearby, and directly below the pig farm, would be under even greater attack from the development, inevitably damaging village resident’s quality of life as well as hospital residents right to a clean and therapeutic environment in their convalescence period.(以下為中文對照)

Protesters Clash with Police Over Pig Farm Development (‘Laiyi and Xinyi Residents Petition Against Building Pig Farm’)



抗議警民推擠篇 記『財團蓋豬舍 來義/新埤原漢居民同心齊抗議』(公民記者 來義鄉久拉卡拉久部落文化推展協會 報導)


屏東縣新埤鄉箕湖、餉潭,來義鄉南和、望嘉等村百餘居民,聯合抗議大成公司新建於水源頭的大型養豬場。南和村長連正三表示,高見部落的觀光果園將在明年變 色,因為果園下方,已有財團在七月一號開始大興土木。當地工人說,將來繁衍出來的蒼蠅會大大協助果樹開花期的授粉工作,但是南和村長連正三卻持相反意見, 他說果園長期受到蒼蠅的侵害,反而會造成果粒甚至樹葉變黑,影響農民的生計。而附近的新埤鄉獅頭村與迦樂醫院,正好也在該養豬場的下游,他們的居住生活品 質與患者的醫療權利,更會受到直接的衝擊。

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