Through the joint environmental work of local residents and environmental groups, the water quality of TaChueh Creek, the main river in Guanyin Township Taoyuan County, had begun to show remarkable improvements over the last two years. Unfortunately, on the 30th of September environmental groups discovered large numbers of dead fish including many corpses of the highly pollution resilient Liposarcus multiradiatus, leading environmental groups to speculate that this contamination was in the form of an acute poison. Although on this occasion there is no concrete evidence as to the source of the pollution, however everything seems to point to an illegal barrel washing business located upstream. Environmental groups are waiting expectantly to see if Taoyuan Environmental Protection Office will have the courage and determination to quickly investigate the contamination origin and force those engaged in industrial operations to think twice before discharging pollutants into the river, allowing TaChueh Creek to return to its former rich and abundant ecological glory.
Another Catastrophe Hits TaChueh Creek -Environmental Group Pained and Angered (by CJ dkriver)
大堀溪又一生態大浩劫 環保團體痛心疾首(公民記者 大堀溪小兵 報導)
大堀溪是桃園縣觀音鄉的母河,在地方環保團體和社區居民的共同守護下,近兩年水質大有改善,但是9月30日環保團體卻發現,多處河段遍佈魚屍,連琵琶鼠這 種最耐污染的魚種也死於非命,可見污染源屬魚劇毒型態。這次的生態浩劫,雖然說是不明污染,但元兇都指向上游一家無照的洗桶業者,環保團體期盼桃園縣環保 局能拿出魄力,早日查明污染原因,讓業者有所警惕,恢復大堀溪的豐富生機。
PeoPo 討論區