
Flourishing Seshuei Pottery

2010/10/20 10:54
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After the 921 Earthquake, Seshuei Community in Nantou County, which lies 600 meters above sea level, began an initiative to promote the area’s traditional arts and crafts, including Seshuei Pottery.  They called on local man, Chen Syong-jhen, who is considered a national treasure, to come back from a thriving business in Yingge Town in Taipei County to lead a pottery revival in the community. Only after numerous meetings between Mr. Su the director general of Seshuei Community Development Association and local residents was an agreement reached on how to go about the process. Seshuei has integrated home stays, black tea cultivation and ceramic art and slowly developed into the busy idyllic rural community of today, providing entertainment and study classes for interested tourists.

Flourishing Seshuei Pottery  (by CJ Department of Cultural Development, Hungkuang University)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61302


陶弘澀公民記者 弘光文化系報導
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/61302


澀水社區是位於南投縣海拔六百公尺的小農村,九二一地震之後,當地居民自發性建立起屬於在地的特色,於是有了「澀水陶」與其他產業的興起,邀請遠在遠在台 北縣鶯歌鎮發展的陶業國寶級大師-陳雄鎮回鄉服務,而當地的澀水社區發展協會理事長-蘇水定先生也與社區居民多次溝通,逐漸讓大家了解並認同社區的未來發 展及動向。現在,澀水社區是個結合陶藝、紅茶、民宿的農村社區,也經常有其他外地朋友前來觀摩。



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