
agriculture issue of climate change~NTU student (teacher) Kusuma from Indonesia

2023/02/23 09:30
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My name is Restu Kusuma. I am NTU Ph.D. student in Dept of Plant Pathology and Microbiology College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture and a teacher at the University of Brawijaya (UB) in Malang Indonesia, Faculty of Agriculture.

Host Family Program. A program held by the NTU Office of International Affairs (OIA) for international students so they can interact with local people (Taiwanese). This activity was carried out during the Chinese New Year holidays, aiming to provide an opportunity for international students who do not return home so they don't feel alone during the CNY holidays (because during the CNY holidays, the campus is so quiet, many shops/restaurants are closed, tours are closed).

On the registration form for the Host Family Program, I filled out my interest is about Agriculture. Btw,  So I met my host, Miss Ginger. An energetic lady, she is an organic farmer and eco-friendly lifestyle activist. She has paddy fields in several places (Tainan,yilan and etc.), while the land in Beitou Taipei is much for vegetables.

Even though the activity was only one day, we learned a lot from her, starting from how to farm in the fields, how to cook rice, and how to make rice cakes in an effective way, we made rice balls and learned calligraphy.Y

In addition, indirectly she also taught us to take better care of the environment. Many times she mentioned the issue of climate change (I think, it's cool that the farmers say this issue). She never uses plastic bags, always carries eco-friendly bags, shops at farmers' markets, and makes her own floor cleaners and air fresheners from her own herbs.

As an agriculture teacher, I totally support farmers, especially organic farmers. Organic farming practices by reducing the application of synthetic fertilizers, and utilizing natural ingredients to manage pests and diseases, is a strategy to balance the environment and increase biodiversity, which leads to agricultural sustainability. Moreover, spending our money on farmer's markets will support the farmers directly.

I may not be as good as her to protect our environment, but I start to use more reusable bags (no plastic), reduce the consumption of fast-food and I cook a lot in my dorm.

I am very grateful to join this program and meet her. I learned a lot practically and ways of thinking. I hope I will see Ginger again on another occasion.


photo by yahoo


photo by yahoo


In the past few years(including 2023), Taiwan has been short of water, and the precious water resources are given priority to the development of high-value industries, and farmers are allowed to fallow.

I have watched the video, and I admire the ancient and wise water distribution system of "subak" in  Bali Indonesia ~ not only connects people and water/people and people, but also connects people and spirits/human and nature. The "subak" rice field water conservancy system in Bali, which has been passed down since the 9th century, includes rice terraces and temples covering an area of ​​nearly 20,000 hectares. It was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2012.

With climate change, water resources will inevitably become a contentious item. Learn from the traditional "subak" water distribution system to create a new generation that is more harmonious between people and nature.

Indonesian birthday celebrations use plants and natural ingredients ~ Pagoda rice, and give the triangular top of Pagoda rice to the elders present to show respect. They believe that the life of the younger generation is passed down/protected by the elders from generation to generation

3. NTU foreign students in Southeast Asia who forget which country told me that there are many people who keep the tradition of eating local rice for breakfast in their country, unlike Taiwan, where the streets are full of sandwich bread.


recommend book~Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground Up






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