
Thinn~ NTU foreign student from Myanmar, celebrates Lunar New Year in Taiwan

2023/02/13 08:43
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Figure right one



My name is Thinn, I come from Yangon, Myanmar, and I am studying Global MBA at the National Taiwan University in Taipei. 

I sincerely appreciate the amazing experience Ginger( Ju chen LIN) provided us with through the host family program. Touring the paddy field and visiting the organic plantation opened my eyes on 2023/1/21 (Lunar New Year's eve). The delicious rice ball celebration was fantastic, and everyone had a great time. 

Additionally, it was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn how to cook from you.  I sincerely thank you for being so kind and generous in imparting your knowledge to us. We shall always cherish this encounter. 

I want to thank you again for your fantastic hospitality and memorable experiences. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about your culture and way of life. I shall cherish my recollections of this interaction forever.


After participating in the event, Thinn changed to a nutritious rice breakfast cooked with Taiwanese good rice.





I am very grateful to National Taiwan University for arranging me to host foreign students from Myanmar. This interaction with Thinn gave me the opportunity to listen to the unique Burmese harp playing online and eat Luowangzi, Burmese coffee and other food.

After working for a period of time, Thinn choose to study abroad. Thinn is independent and eager to share. She is also keen to learn new things and cultures other than textbooks and papers.

For a long time, Taiwan has been more exposed to Western cultures such as Japan or the United States. There are many things we can learn from foreign students.

2012 06 16 Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel Award Ceremony—Konghou Solo



The 2021 Myanmar military coup refers to the overthrow of the National League for Democracy government that won the election in the 2020 Myanmar parliamentary elections in the early hours of February 1, 2021.

In the Burmese community in Zhonghe Huaxin Street, Taiwan, a group of Burmese immigrants who care about their hometown have formed the "Taiwan Solidarity with Myanmar Alliance" in the past two years. In the past two years, through street parades, large-scale rally initiatives, materials and donations, and every day The purpose of the Burmese food sale in Huaxin Street on Sunday morning is to continue to support the hometown in a foreign land through these uninterrupted actions.





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