
Manju's lottery ~ "Duanyu Painting Congee"(斷虀畫粥 duàn jī huà zhōu)

2023/01/30 09:07
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Helping aunt transplant rice seedlings in Nepal (wearing an orange dress)

NTU Nepalese students Manju showed me the lottery drawn at Longshan Temple.

In the upper right corner, there is written ~ Fan Wenzheng "Duanyu Painting Congee"(范文正公~斷虀畫粥 ㄉㄨㄢˋ ㄐㄧ ㄏㄨㄚˋ ㄓㄡ duàn jī huà zhōu)

Fan Zhongyan, a famous official in the Song Dynasty, was from a poor family when he was young. He studied in a monk’s house in Changbai Mountain. He cooked porridge with two liters of millet every day. Code published "Words and Deeds of Famous Officials of the Five Dynasties". Volume seven two. Participating in politics Fanwen Zhenggong". It is later used to describe not being afraid of hardships, working hard and studying hard. For example: "Students don't work too hard now! We should learn from Fan Zhongyan's spirit of breaking down and painting porridge."

Manju~It is very touching to learn the knowledge with enthusiasm and implement it into daily life

1.9 foreign students, she packed the largest bag of dead branches and leaves to Yangmingshan
2.1/6 So far, she has gone to the Farmer's Market in Hope Square three times
3.used to eat bread and cakes for breakfast,  changed to purple sweet potatoes
4. The third time  went to the host family to bring vegetables to cook ( she put them in the freezer the day before, they rotted and couldn’t be eaten)
5.Dining with eco-friendly cutlery









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