有趣的文史探索 英語導覽~金庸 v.s. 岳飛
Cultural Exploration Bixia Temple in Yilan
2022年 12月10日教育部指導之計畫,由宜蘭社區大學承辦的英語導覽宜蘭碧霞宮活動。
英語導覽志工為社區大學現代英語班級成員,該班由美籍講師Abbie Kirkpatrick指導,以全英語文討論當今之議題。
歷史人物為民俗信仰祭祀神明,總是有著代代口耳相傳的傳奇。有關岳飛的傳說,大都是後來記載於近世紀所書寫的故事文字與武俠小說中,為這歷史人物增添傳奇故事的戲劇性。 英語解說服務員之一吳健瑋(Kenneth)引述岳飛於大家耳知能詳的金庸武俠小說~神鵰俠侶,如此貼切的英語解說實在生動而有趣,讓大家都哈哈大笑,如此接地氣的英語解說,實在生動而有趣,享受這文化探索之旅。
Bixia Temple located in Yilan County, it was built in 1897, which worship specifically Yue Fei, a historical general during Song Dynasty (960-1279), as spiritual righteousness with its Royalty & Dignity. The Temple is currently listed 3rd grade of local historical heritage preservation.
The English commentary volunteers are members of the Contemporary English Discussion Class held by Yilan Community University, which is directed by Abbie Kirkpatrick.
Historical figures that sacrificed to the gods of folk beliefs, and who are always a legend over from many generations. Most of the stories about Yue Fei , were later recorded in the story texts and martial arts fiction novels, in recent centuries. Those were more dramatically and legendary stories than the actual facts of the specific historical figure.
One of the English commentators, Kenneth Wu, who particularly quoted Yue Fei in the most popular Jin Yong martial arts novel ~ The Condor Heroes. Kenneth's presentation was such down-to-earth really vivid and interesting, that have just making everyone laugh loud, and enjoyed very much of this cultural explorations in Yilan.
PeoPo 討論區