
Race to Save Cultural Relics in Disaster Stricken Laiyi

2010/10/04 11:38
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In Laiyi Township Pingtung County, Typhoon Fanabi caused severe damage, resulting in losses to both residential property and indigenous cultural antiquities.  National Taiwan Museum provided assistance trying to save these historical relics that had been soaking in water and mud for over 10 days – a real race against time, especially with regards to wooden and animal skin objects that are easily damaged by water. It was hoped that these important relics could be salvaged, cleaned and dried in the early stages preserving their original form.  A combined force of 20 workers, formed from National Taiwan Museum and Laiyi Township, including famous commentators and enthusiasts, attempted to save these important symbols of the indigenous Paiwan people.  Working in such terrible conditions it was clear that everyone wished for the items to be unearthed and the dig to be over as soon as possible.

Race to Save Cultural Relics in Disaster Stricken Laiyi (by CJ Bage)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60970

Private Folk Arts Museum Buried by Mudslide - National Taiwan Museum Lend Helping Hand in Rescue Work (by CJ Bage)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60966


來義災區文物搶救分秒必爭(公民記者 巴戈 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60970


李末雄私人文物館遭掩埋 台灣博物館出手搶救 (公民記者 巴戈 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60966





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