The More Work Done on the Footpath the Bigger the Problems
The park located on Zhengyi Road near Jiuru Rd and Shuiyuan Rd is currently undergoing a full makeover, replacing sidewalk paving stones, however these old paving stones seem to be intact, somewhat negating the need for replacement. Recently the local government has also been promoting a new, ‘Softway’ (Student’s sidewalk) but the planning and management have been anything but ideal. It is feared that the more the revamp continues the bigger the problems are going to be. To add insult to injury, with inadequate parking spaces for scooters and the new pedestrian walkway situated between the main road and the building overhang where pedestrians walk, riders are being left with no option but to cross over the walkway in order to park their scooters. The lesson from this situation is that it is not enough to merely carry out installation work, good planning and forethought are required if we want to avoid another waste of public funds.
The More Work Done on the Footpath the Bigger the Problems (by CJ Station Master Chen)
步道蓋越多問題越大!?(公民記者 陳站長 報導)