
Harvest Festival Held Under Shadow of Demolition Crisis

2010/09/20 17:16
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PeoPo推 1

At the beginning of January this year Taoyuan County Government Agriculture Development Department’s plan to develop the riverside area of Danhan river, ‘Taoyuan Garden Area’, which was set to demolish homes and force the indigenous people of Kanjin Tribal Village to relocate was temporarily postponed following the joint protests of Kanjin villagers and local Han Chinese people from neighboring areas.  The decision to postpone demolition of the villager’s homes brought a sigh of relief from the community and allowed them to enjoy their annual harvest festival on the 12th of September. Those taking part in this year’s pageant included parties from both sides, which may explain the high numbers, doubling that of last year according to estimates.   Officials from the relevant government department also came to offer their best wishes and pray for an auspicious coming year.

Harvest Festival Held Under Shadow of Demolition Crisis (by CJ dkriver)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60018

二、 迫拆危機暫除下的崁津部落豐


迫拆危機暫除下的崁津部落豐年祭 (公民記者 大堀溪小兵(dkriver) 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/60018





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