
Dr. Jane Goodall Attends Hsinchu’s ‘Human Zoo’ Activity

2010/09/20 17:08
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As a part of National Tsing Hua University’s ‘ Practice Study’ program, students have helped Hsinchu Zoo design and manufacture structures to improve standards of living for 4 of the resident animals.  In addition, the Jane Goodall Institute of Taiwan invited Dr. Jane Goodall, who visited Taiwan for the 14th time, to lend a helping hand in promoting the activity.  The presence of Dr. Jane Goodall greatly helped in facilitating the ‘Day of Roots-and-Shoots in HsinChu 2010’ joint hosted by National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu City Zoo and The Jane Goodall Association on the 6th September.  Dr. Goodall also signed the ‘Hsinchu City’s Animal Friendly Declaration’ and although the activity was over in only one day, however it has been seen as a great step forward for animal rights in Taiwan.

Dr. Jane Goodall Attends Hsinchu’s ‘Human Zoo’ Activity (by CJ Jujuwang )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59463

珍古德博士在新竹參與「人類動物園」活動 (公民記者 Juju Wang 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59463 


今年四月,清華大學清華學院的「服務學習」課程中,同學幫新竹動物園的四種動物製作玩具改善生活品質,真的讓牠們快樂起來。此舉引起珍古德協會的關注,決定邀請第十四次訪台的珍古德博士(Dr. Jane Goodall)一起來推動動物的快樂生活權。這促成了9月6日由清華學院、新竹市立動物園與珍古德協會,在新竹動物園共同主辦的「2010新竹根與芽日」活動,珍古德博士會同代表們簽署了《新竹市友好動物宣言》,雖然活動一天就結束,但這代表著「動物權利運動」的概念已經生根發芽。



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