Cracks Appear in Lo-Sheng Sanitorium
Confronted with a mass petition and demands for answers after cracks appeared in Lo-Sheng Sanitorim, Taipei City Government’s vice-secretary Tan Guo-guang merely stated that top specialists from all over Taiwan were currently carrying out an investigation but asked the residents of Lo-Sheng to move. Protestors believe that North Taipei City Government and the Rapid Transport Office’s should accept responsibility for these safety problems and deal with them, instead of stalling action under the smokescreen of more specialist’s reports - a stance that was met with cries of ‘arrogance’ from furious protestors. Engineer Wang Wei-min, strongly feels that the damage could well have been caused during backfilling work and urged that all building work should be temporarily suspended until results of the investigation come out. Groups involved have appealed to all citizens that with the typhoon season already here people should come and express their concern regarding this urgent situation.
Cracks Appear in Lo-Sheng Sanitorium – Investigation Under Progress State MRT (CJ Civil Media)
樂生院續住區現裂痕 捷運局稱專家調查中
(公民記者 公民行動影音記錄資料庫(Civil Media)報導)
樂生療養院續住區出現裂痕,面對請願民眾,副秘書長譚國光僅說已請台灣省大地技師工會調查,請院民搬遷。但是北市政府及捷運局應當承擔安全問題,卻只表示 相信專家調查,現場抗議民眾氣憤大喊:「傲慢!」工程師王偉民表示,應回填造成續住區產生裂痕、正在開挖的土方,等地質調查結果出來再決定做法。聲援團體 也呼籲,颱風季請大家多到樂生探訪院民,守護樂生。