Lessons from Nature and Facing Life – Bus Stop
Following on from the Typhoon Morakot disaster, the Ministry of Tourism implemented a sightseeing initiative, ‘Bus Stop’ aimed at re-energizing the region and encouraging concerned citizens to visit the area. Locals of course welcome the concern and visits to the area, however scheduled stops on the bus route are limited and locals have little except refreshments to sell to tourists when they arrive. Linbian Township in Pingtung County’s seafood industry is famous, but a comprehensive plan is needed to deal with the economic depression caused by the wake of the disaster. This would make use of the government’s ‘Bus Stop’ initiative, helping to re-build the area and allow the economic situation to recover.
Lessons from Nature and Facing Life – Bus Stop (by CJ Menlin)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59116
記起教訓也看見生命-「真情巴士關懷之旅」(公民記者 風翦樹(menglin) 報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59116
八八水災後,為了振興災區觀光產業,交通部觀光局推出「真情巴士關懷之旅」,鼓勵民眾到災區關心,居民表示很歡迎大家一起來關心家鄉的事,但是真情巴士停 留的時間有限,而災民面對一批批觀光客,也沒有東西可以賣,頂多賣賣飲料。屏東林邊鄉的海產餐廳業者則說,災後林邊經濟蕭條,冀望規劃單位及社區可以規劃 關懷之旅的相關配套措施,讓政府的美意可以實質地帶動地方產業的復甦。