
A Crafty Environmental Assessment

2010/09/10 10:37
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PeoPo推 1

With environmental groups silenced, the Central Taiwan Science Park’s stage third phase environmental impact assessment has been forced through.  The Ministry of Environment ‘s Director, Zhang Chen-shi said, “ environmental impact assessments are carried out in order to put all the facts of a situation on the table, open to the public and heed the professionalism of academic reports”.  However the efforts of environmental groups who have been struggling alongside local residents in Houli Township, Taizhong County for the last four years all seem to have been to no avail.  The issues of the development location, water and air pollution including the pollution of Taizhong resident’s drinking water and a general lack of communication with local residents remain unresolved.


A Crafty Environmental Assessment – Part 1&Part2 (CJ Shuchuan )
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59255


鬼環評 終結篇(上) (公民記者 shuchuan報導)
鬼環評 終結篇(下)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/59255


在環評委員幾乎全面噤聲下,中科三期七星基地環評審查環評過關。環保署長沈世宏說:「環評審查是讓事實呈現、尊重專業,審查過程也採取了最公開透明的機 制。」但是奮鬥許久的環保團體與台中后里居民質疑,四年前大家所在意的,包括重新評估中科三期區位、面板廠發展、后里現有汙染、廢水排放對灌溉水質影響、 VOC空氣汙染評估、台中地區用水衝擊、加強居民溝通…等等問題,四年後的重新環評,還是一樣的結果,彷彿是空白的四年。



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