
Typhoon Morakot Commemoration Pavilion

2010/09/01 11:07
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PeoPo推 1

After Typhoon Morakot in 2008, locals from Gangzai Village in Manzhou Township, Pingtung County stumbled across inscription boards from Siaolin Village and from Namaxia Township in Kaohsiung County while collecting driftwood.  After some calculations it was found that the boards had drifted around 200 kilometers.  Locals decided to use these two inscription boards and the huge mass of driftwood available at that time to construct two Typhoon Morakot commemoration pavilions to show the awesome power of nature and provide a resting place for passing travelers, as well as to remind people to cherish and respect both the power and beauty of nature.

Typhoon Morakot Commemoration Pavilion – Siaolin Village Board Washed Up In Gangzai Village, Manzhou Township, Pingtung County (by CJ Riceball)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/58627


八八風災紀念涼亭- 小林村匾額滿州港仔村落腳(公民記者 湯圓  報導)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/58627





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