
Turtle Shell is Spotted while Raking for Shells – Tourist says ‘It stinks

2010/07/26 14:55
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As far as the residents of Penghu are concerned, the seaside is simply a veritable seafood refrigerator. Grab a spoon and basket, and take a walk along the shore when the tide is out and you can dig yourself out a banquet of shellfish and snails – when you get home you have a wonderfully delicious meal to add to the table.  However recently, locals have been finding turtle shells along the shoreline, giving rise to feelings of both astonishment and sadness.  On closer inspection of the turtle shells, locals have discovered that the shells are devoid of flesh, raising fears that the turtles are being ‘murdered’ for their meat. In addition to destroying the local habitat, this kind of attitude is creating a serious hindrance to local travelers who are nauseated by the stinking shells strewn along the beach.

Turtle Shell is Spotted while Raking for Shells – Tourist says ‘It stinks (by showchi, Penghu CJ)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/55917


扒貝赫見海龜殼! 遊客:好臭(by澎湖公民記者 澎湖代(showchi)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/55917


對澎湖人來說,海邊就是個海鮮冰箱,拿個籃子、帶支湯匙,就可以走到潮間帶挖貝類撿螺類,回家就能加菜了。但是最近卻有居民在潮間帶發現海龜的龜殼,令人 感到錯愕又傷心。發現的民眾表示,翻開龜殼來看,裡面空空如也,恐怕是被人取走龜肉,也就是人為殺害的。這樣的行為除了破壞生態之外,連日的烈日曝曬,龜 殼乾裂又發出惡臭,來自各地的遊客也紛紛抱怨。  



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