Typhoon Morakot Anniversary - PeoPo Citizen Journalist Observer
Typhoon Morakot Anniversary - PeoPo Citizen Journalist Observer
The investment and participation by PeoPo citizen journalists has allowed people from all walks of life to witness the force of citizen journalism and consider how to maintain the development and influence of this local grassroots power. On the eve of the 1st anniversary of the Typhoon Morakot disaster, PeoPo would like to invite all citizen journalists who covered the story to participate in " Typhoon Morakot Anniversary - PeoPo Citizen Journalist Observer’, joining together to plan news covering.
On the 8th August 2009, Typhoon Morakot brought with it a deluge of rain causing unprecedented damage and destruction in Southern and Eastern Taiwan. While the media had yet to comprehend the full scale and power of this typhoon and the ensuing disaster, PeoPo citizen journalists were already on the spot feeding back valuable first hand images. Following Typhoon Morakot, citizen journalists sincerely recorded every aspect of the reconstruction process as well as the difficulties and problems that victims faced.
An even greater number of people became aware of the power of citizen journalism during Typhoon Morakot, and the promise of citizen journalists to provide a long-term record of events, has never faltered.
In the past year, citizen journalists have used the lens to let known their care for this piece of land. On this anniversary of Typhoon Morakot, PeoPo would like to invite all citizen journalists who were involved in the recording of the post Typhoon Morakot reconstruction process, to take themselves back to the time of the disaster and help us to understand what has changed within the disaster zone in this last year? Which areas still require assistance? What’s your prognosis on the reconstruction situation, from the eyes of a local observer?
為擴大服務範圍,自2010年4月起,PeoPo每周精選三則公民報導及相關活動與發展,翻譯成英文摘要,讓更多關心台灣公民新聞的朋友,瞭解台灣在地大 小事。
PeoPo公民新聞平台因為公民記者的投入與付出,讓台灣各界看到公民新聞的力量,如何讓這股在地深耕的草根勢力繼續發揮影響力,是我們思考的方向。八八水災即將屆滿一周年,我們邀請曾經關心與報導八八水災的公民記者朋友,參與我們【八八水災周年, PeoPo公民記者觀察員】的協力報導計畫。
2009年8月8日,莫拉克颱風帶來的豪雨在台灣南部以及東部造成重大災害,當各大媒體還未能察覺此次颱風之不尋常以及造成的災損時,PeoPo公民新聞平台的公民記者已經用鏡頭,紀錄下第一手畫面。 八八水災進入重建階段後,公民記者長期紀錄,把重建的點點滴滴以及災民所遭遇的問題,忠實呈現。公民新聞的力量在八八水災中被更多人看到,公民記者在地長期守護的承諾沒有改變,一年來,公民記者持續用鏡頭在關懷著這片土地。
八八水災周年,PeoPo公民新聞平台邀請在地記錄八八重建點滴的公民記者朋友,重回當初拍攝報導的現場 ,透過影像紀錄帶我們去了解,一年來災區改變了多少?又有哪些地方還需要努力?用在地觀察員的角度,體檢重建點滴。