On an agricultural road in Pingxi, New Taipei City, rangers search the grass verge with metal detectors. They are mainly looking for wild boar traps and snares. Farmers use these devices to prevent their painstakingly grown crops from being damaged by animals, but they often accidentally trap small animals, such as dogs. If such animals aren’t found in time, they may die.
The question is how to strike a balance between caring for animals and protecting crops. In fact, there are more humane ways to protect crops than setting animal traps. By erecting fences around vegetable gardens, we can prevent animals from entering, protect crops, and keep animals away from harm. Replacing traps with fences is a small thing to change that can make a huge difference, ensuring animals, be they pets or wild, can roam freely in safety.
捕獸鋏之外 其實可以更友善
那麼如何在愛護動物及保護農作物之間取得平衡呢?其實捕獸鋏之外可以更友善,在菜園外架設圍籬,使動物不容易入侵,不但保護了農作物也間接讓動物不受傷害。以圍籬取代陷阱 或許這只是一個小小的改變 但對於住在該地區的動物們而言 卻也是能讓牠們安全走跳的一個方法。
PeoPo 討論區