Penghu‘s marine debris
When we think of Penghu, what comes to mind is a turquoise blue ocean and white waves gently breaking on the shore: today, however, this is far from the reality. Ten million tons of garbage is flushed into the ocean every year, some of which ends up on Penghu’s formerly pristine beaches. What impact is this marine debris having on the local area?
When a young photographer visiting Penghu realized the damage that marine debris is doing to the environment, she resolved to stay and try to do something about it. She gave up her relatively stable, high-paying job and began to initiate beach-cleaning activities in Penghu, transforming floating trash into art pieces for sale. The marine debris problem is already severe, but as long as you have the will, you can still make a difference.
湛藍的海水推著潔白的浪花拍打上岸,這是我們印象中的澎湖, 然而現實卻不是這樣的,每年有千萬噸垃圾流入海中,它們隨著季風與洋流漂流到了澎湖這座島嶼上,這些垃圾又對當地造成了怎樣的影響呢?