
2021 PeoPo call for submissions – Beyond COVID: A New Way of Living

2021/04/29 16:08
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Aimed at bringing together the creativity of citizen journalists and stimulating newsworthy, meaningful reports from different regions across Taiwan, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform holds an annual call for submissions on a chosen theme.


In the past year, countries around the world have been assailed by the threat of COVID-19. People's lives and movements have been significantly restricted. Taiwan has been promoting a new way of life beyond the coronavirus pandemic incorporating pandemic prevention measures into our everyday lives. Therefore, our theme for this year is "Beyond COVID: A New Way of Living" (新生活 疫起來). Regardless of whether your report is directly related to pandemic prevention measures or a story about living bravely and breaking through difficult situations during the pandemic, we look forward to hearing from you.




2021 PeoPo徵案主題 新生活疫起來



   過去一年來,世界各國都壟罩在新冠肺炎疫情的威脅中,人們的生活以及移動受到莫大的影響,台灣在疫情防堵上,也推廣防疫新生活,因此我們今年的徵案主題就訂為「新生活 疫起來」,而這個疫是疫情的疫。我們邀請公民記者去拍攝疫情威脅下,台灣各角落發生的故事,不論是直接與防疫相關的作為或是在疫情威脅下,勇敢生活突破困境的故事,都可以是報導的主題。 





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