Scissor Hands Chen Zai-fa Making Toys from Straws
Scissor Hands Chen Zai-fa Making Toys from Straws (by shunewsweek, Taipei CJ)
Street performer Chen Za-fa uses straws to make all kinds of weird and wonderful sculptures and environmentally friendly toys. In the daytime he travels all over teaching adults and children the art of how to make eco-toys, and in the evening has a stall in Danshui selling his artwork and passing on the skills of scissor sculpting to passers-by. He has students of all ages, from young ten year old kids to elderly folk in their nineties. He hopes children can learn whilst having fun, and has found that elderly people’s creativity is in no way inferior to young people. Chen Zai-fa said he hopes to use these seemingly unattractive eco-toys to spread the spirit of love and care for the environment.
剪刀手陳再發 吸管變童玩 (by台北公民記者 小世界周報(shunewsweek)
街頭藝人陳再發利用吸管製作出千奇百怪的剪雕藝術與環保童玩,陳再發白天四處教學,向大人及小孩傳授環保童玩的製作方法,晚上則在淡水擺攤賣藝,向路人介 紹吸管的剪雕藝術。他學生的年齡層,從十幾歲的小朋友到九十幾歲的老人都有,希望小朋友在歡樂中學習,他也發現老人家的創意實在不輸年輕人。陳再發說,希 望藉著這些看起來並不起眼的環保童玩,傳達出「環保愛地球」的概念。