Citizen Journalism Forum

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Citizen Journalism Forum –
Strengthen Grassroots News Power

PTS’s citizen news platform service PeoPo was launched in April 2007.  The service sought to spread the concept of citizen journalism in every nook and corner of Taiwan, and quickly inspired an enthusiastic response from various journalist groups all over the country in what was a new trend in journalism.  To date, PeoPo has held over 300 workshops the length and breadth of Taiwan.
It’s the third year since the inception of Peopo, and on Thursday the 27th of May, in a special collaboration, PeoPo and National Chengchi University’s College of Communication are jointly raising the ‘2010   Citizen Journalist Forum’, and invite all specialists, scholars and citizen journalists to come and share their views on the future development of citizen journalism.

Enthusiastic citizen journalists are the bedrock and driving force behind PeoPo News.  The Forum has an existing set of principles in combination with first hand practical operational skills.  The forum’s four main themes are “ new media and new citizens – empowerment of citizen journalists”, “regional matters and grassroots movements – management of citizen journalist news issues”, “citizen journalism and the mass media - expanding the effectiveness of citizen journalism” and “People Power: the future development of citizen journalism”. A rich mix of Taiwanese media scholars, NGO representatives, regional media news representatives, citizen journalism media representatives and citizen journalists have been invited to share their ideas in this discussion.
The appeal of ‘Citizen journalism’ and ‘citizen journalist news’ which have been up and coming concepts in the last few years is that even without professional equipment citizens can still voice out local stories and issues in a professional way.
A wonderful example was the typhoon Morakot disaster where a number of citizen journalists uploaded on the spot footage onto the internet in order to let the voice of local residents be heard.  A large number of these citizen journalists opted to upload their reports onto the PeoPo platform and use the cyber medium to make a difference. It’s already a year since the Morakot disaster but many enthusiastic local citizen journalists have continued to report the reconstruction process. This force is something we are following closely and is also the core topic for discussion in this forum.  Everybody is welcome to come along and participate.


公民新聞論壇  掌握草根傳播力

富有熱情的公民記者是公民新聞最重要的動力來源,本論壇既有學界的理論觀點,亦有實務操作上的第一線經驗。本論壇四大主題為「新媒體與新公民-公民記者培力」、「地方事與公民運動-公民新聞議題經營」、「公民新聞與大眾媒體-擴大公民新聞效益」、「People Power:公民新聞的未來發展」,邀集國內傳播學者、非營利組織團體負責人、地方媒體代表、公民新聞媒體代表與公民記者聚焦討論。



PeoPo 討論區


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加入時間: 2010.04.21

weekly review

加入時間: 2010.04.21



Citizen Journalism Forum



