
Weekly CTSP Topic

2010/05/03 11:18
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PeoPo推 1

The protest band ‘Country Boys’ tour of Taiwan has arrived in National Chengchi University, with a simple setup of a few chairs, and projector screen made up of pieces of white paper.  With such an unadorned show, they surprisingly have still managed to attract a large number of students from their mid-term exams, spreading the anti-Central Taiwan Science Park message through songs. The Supreme Administrative Court rejected the government’s 3rd phase environmental impact assessment – a first in Taiwanese history. The 4th phase development of Central Taiwan Science Park concerns the proposed location of AU Optronics Corporation’s LCD panel factory in Erlin Township, Changhua County where the government has paid the very lowest price to for expropriated land. In the future, residents will have to face high water wastage and large-scale industrial pollution, but even more pressing will be their challenge of finding a new livelihood.

[CTSP] - Kids, did you know? ( conversation ) (by 02,citizen journalist)

Weekly CTSP Topic, Encouraging University Students to Participate ( by 02, citizen journalist)


[中科] 囝仔,你咁知?(對話) (by 公民記者O2)


中科周溫馨開跑 鼓勵大學生社會參與 (by 公民記者O2)


樂團「農村武裝青年(Country Boys)」巡迴演唱的列車來到政治大學,簡單的幾張椅子,幾張白紙拼湊出來的投影螢幕,卻能吸引正面臨期中考的學生席地而坐,樂團透過歌聲讓更多學子了 解「反中科」議題。中科(Central Taiwan Science Park)三期的環評報告,被最高行政法院撤銷,這是台灣史上首例;而預計座落於彰化二林鎮的中科四期,主要為友達(AUO)十代面板廠闢建,政府以極低 地價強制徵收當地居民土地。未來,農民將要面對高耗水、高污染的產業,更直接的是自己生計的問題。

From mid April 2010, PTS’s citizen news platform PeoPo will carefully select three topical stories from each week’s news and translate them into English. This will extend the range of the service further, allowing an even greater number of concerned citizens to keep up to date with all the breaking news, the whole length of Taiwan.

公共電視PeoPo公民新聞平台,為擴大服務範圍,將自2010年4月中旬開始,每周精選三則公民報導翻譯成英文摘要,讓更多關心公民新聞的朋友,可以透 過PeoPo平台瞭解台灣在地大小事。



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