
PeoPo Celebrates 3Rd Anniversary!

2010/04/26 10:16
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PeoPo Celebrates 3Rd Anniversary!
‘PeoPo Webcast’ Launch Open Source Editorial Desk

This month PeoPo, the citizen news platform, is celebrating its third anniversary!  Over these thousand days of PeoPo, 3600 enthusiastic citizen journalists have come together and put out an astonishing 36,600 citizen news reports.  PeoPo has therefore not surprisingly already become an archetype for citizen news journalism in Taiwan.

Citizen Journalism Takes a Great Leap Forward
The most fitting gift to celebrate 3 years of PeoPo is the new media department at PTS’s launch of ‘PeoPo Webcast’, which will broadcast online Wednesdays and Fridays. ‘PeoPo Webcast’ will not only feature topical news stories hand picked by specialist critics but will also cover our own citizen journalists’ news reports.  This is definitely a great leap forward in PTS’s concept for the creation of an open source editorial desk.
Wednesdays will feature a report from the host Jimmy Wang, who will wander the length and breadth of Taiwan meeting with non-professional citizen journalists and sharing their front line experience – a wonderful example of bringing together the cyber world and the real world.

(The host Jimmy Wang)
Fridays will host an eclectic mix of concerned scholars, specialists and bloggers on the ‘PeoPo Webcast’ open source editorial desk, who will carefully select three outstanding stories of the week, providing an interactive stage for internet users and citizen journalists to share ideas and experiences, forging new standards in citizen journalism.

(The guest of open source editorial desk, prof.Hung)
 ‘Peopo Webcast’ is currently carrying out a Web2.0 citizen journalist experiment and warmly welcomes all cyber friends to go on-line and check it out!

URL:  peopo daily news
URL:  peopo webcast
2010 Yearly Gatherings Begun
Over the past three years PeoPo has strongly taken root, firmly establishing citizen journalism in Taiwan. With the help of regular gatherings and citizen journalist parties, enthusiastic citizen journalist seeds have sprouted and are now thriving.
Last year, our regional citizen journalist gathering opened in Hualian, where the ecological issue of the proposed development of Seven Star Lake by a financial consortium was raised.  Not long after, there was fervent discussion and exchange on the PeoPo platform concerning the subject, bringing about a call to the people from the coastal movement to join together and sign a petition to safeguard this area of outstanding natural beauty.
In the community meetings proceeding the aftermath of last year’s typhoon Morakot, everyone was moved to see the rebirth of community spirit.  This was especially evident in the citizen journalist meeting’s in Pingtung County where we facilitate communication and cooperation between local community organizations and citizen journalists, encouraging them to report stories from their own areas, on the scene, as they happened.  Scenes of both devastation and reconstruction aroused the attention of a vast number of concerned internet-users as well as mainstream media stations.
Every year PeoPo’s citizen journalist gatherings receive the strong support and participation of citizen journalists from all over the country.  Starting in March 2010, PeoPo will continue its citizen journalist revolution, marching to every corner of Taiwan. In March we will begin with gatherings in Pingtung and Jiayi, then in April to Tainan and Kaohsiung. 
Our footprints will be left from the North to the South and from the East to the West, including the Penghu islands, a total 12 gatherings.  All citizen journalists from senior to beginner are invited to come together, forge new friendships, and look forward the coming year, a year that is sure to be another cornucopia of achievements.
URL:  peopo 2010 gathering

「PeoPo Webcast」開放編輯台,全新推出 


PeoPo公民新聞平台在 今年4月,正好滿3歲!一千多個日子以來,PeoPo在全台各地匯聚3500多位熱血的公民記者朋友,發表了3萬4千多則公民新聞,如此活躍豐富的創作能量,儼然已經成為台灣公民新聞的代名詞。
3歲生日最佳的賀禮,就是由公視新媒體部籌劃推出的「PeoPo Webcast」網路新聞,每週三、五準時On Line放送。PeoPo Webcast開放編輯台,不僅從平台觀察者的角度精選新聞,也介紹其他公民記者報導的新聞,這是PeoPo向開放新聞編輯台概念又向前了一大步。
週三是以公民記者為主體的新聞播報型式,主持人之一的王建雄(Jimmy Wang),專門企劃全台各地公民記者的素人檔案,分享公民記者第一線採訪的甘苦談,也是網路結合實體的最佳例證。
週五則是「PeoPo Webcast」開放編輯台時間,邀請關注PeoPo發展的學者專家與部落客,推薦三則當週優質公民新聞與網友分享,與公民記者空中互動,讓公民新聞質量 更上一層樓!
「PeoPo Webcast」是正進行中的一場網路Web2.0公民新聞實驗,歡迎上網收看。
2010 年地方聚會列車開始巡迴
PeoPo 成立3年來,公民新聞的力量已在你我身邊扎根,更有許多熱血的公民新聞種子,透過一場場公民記者聚會正在茁壯。去年,我們的地方公民記者聚會開到花蓮場次,就有當地的社團分享花蓮七星潭海岸有可能被財團進駐開發的生態議題。不久後,在PeoPo平台發生熱烈討論與串連,甚至也影響了真實社會的連署活動,號召民眾參與共同捍衛美麗<



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