In mid March of this year, TITV(Taiwan Indigenous Television) and PTS co-hosted the WITBC 2010 (World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference), where the leaders from nine indigenous media channels from around the world gathered together in Taitung to share and exchange ideas on indigenous issues. In the conference, PTS president Sylvia Feng presented “PeoPo”, the citizen journalism platform launched 3 years ago, and the concepts of “local people voice out” and “citizen video reporting”, which aroused great interest.
The CEO of BBC Alba, Donald Campbell, wrote to congratulate PTS on PeoPo’s innovative concepts and achievements recently. He pointed out that although the circumstances of Gaelic speakers in Scotland may be different from the circumstances in Taiwan, however many of the principles that we wish to embrace more fully in the digital future are similar – empowering people to tell their own stories and those of their communities through audiovisual media in their own language. BBS Alba may take some steps toward the implementation of a similar platform in the next months and perhaps come to one of our team for thoughts and guidance.
Our Peopo platform will certainly keep in touch with BBC Alba, and strive to enhance mutual cooperation and interaction, setting citizen journalism up for a flourishing future.
今年3月中旬,原住民族電視台與公共電視共同籌辦「WITBC2010世界原住民媒體廣電大會」,來自全世界9大原住民族媒體負責人齊聚台灣台東,就原住 民議題互相交流。公共電視總經理馮賢賢更在會中簡報公共電視推出近3年的網路服務「PeoPo公民新聞平台」,其「在地發聲」與「影音公民報導」的概念, 獲得與會來賓廣大迴響。
BBC Alba頻道執行長Donald Campbell特地來信,大力讚揚PeoPo公民新聞平台的概念與成就,他表示蘇格蘭少數蓋爾語使用族群的情況或許與台灣不盡相同,但是他也非常極力希 望能推動相關的影音培力計畫,讓少數民族朋友可以有機會、有能力善用數位科技,報導身邊的重要議題。Donald Campbell更表示,若未來有機會,希望可以向「PeoPo公民新聞平台」取經,讓「公民發聲」的概念也在蘇格蘭傳送。
而「PeoPo公民新聞平台」也會與Donald Campbell保持聯繫,希望能促成雙方的合作與交流互動,讓公民新聞持續發展茁壯。
PeoPo 討論區