
Chiayi Budai Zhounan Salt Field (Thanksgiving Festival of Salt)

2020/10/29 15:39
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Zhou Nan Salt Field was established in 1824. In 2001, the salt industry was abandoned due to changes in the government's salt industry policy. In 2008, local people stepped in and resumed the salt drying. For thirteen years, the saltworks have insisted on two things: first, that all salt is sun-dried to retain its Taiwanese characteristics; second, the implementation of environmental education and cooperation with schools at all levels to promote environmental protection concepts. Furthermore, small eco-friendly farmers have been invited to contribute to the protection of the land.

Zhounan Salt Field Xieyan Festival (Thanksgiving Festival of Salt) is held when the rainy season is over at the end of autumn and early winter. At this time, the saltworks invite the deities into the village to pray for protection during the annual salt drying and a safe harvest. In the festival activities, local farms cooperate with the school to convey the concepts of friendly farming and land activation. The school principal is a strong advocate of experiential learning through farming to instill a feeling of gratitude in children for food, farmers, and the land.



洲南鹽場是西元1824年間闢建的,到2001年因政府鹽業政策改變而廢晒,2008年在地方人士本走下,重新恢復晒鹽,13年來鹽場堅持兩件事情,第一件事情就是晒鹽,晒出具有台灣特色的海鹽,另一件事情就是做環境教育,跟各級學校合作推廣環保理念,並支持友善農法小農, 為守護土地做出貢獻。








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