
Tainan join hands to protect the beaches and lagoon in Qigu

2020/10/12 14:43
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PeoPo推 1

Qigu Lagoon, the largest of its kind in Taiwan, is located in Taijiang National Park. In recent years, due to a combination of economic needs and human interference, the three sandbars that form Qigu Lagoon, including the famous tourist spot, Dingtoue Sandbar, have been affected by sandbar loss, lagoon siltation, and coastal retreat, destroying the delicate balance of the lagoon’s formation. Fortunately, Lohas Taiwan Association and coastal cleanup volunteers are trying to address the situation by jointly holding environmental education activities, including sandbar protection with straw, marine debris monitoring, and garbage classification.


Thanks to such educational activities to protect the beeches and lagoon, more people are showing interest and a determination to protect Qigu Lagoon. This grassroots movement means that visitors to Qigu are no longer just tourists, but instead working hand-in-hand with locals to retain the beauty of Qigu Lagoon. Locals are working to stay in high spirits and continue protecting Qigu Lagoon, but as with any environmental issue, the key is to maintain the health and integrity of the environment in the long term, which will require the participation of many volunteers in on-going environmental protection activities.












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