
A nostalgic taste: Passing on the black gold for sixty years

2020/09/17 15:10
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PeoPo推 0

In the scorching summer heat, the first thing that comes to mind for many Taiwanese people is a bowl of ice-cool grass jelly. This familiar drink requires a complicated eight-hour production process, and quality herbs are essential in creating a quality finished product. To this day, this 4th-generation grass jelly shop insists on using local herbs, something it has been doing since the first generation when their great grandmothers began the business. 


In this 60-year-old fourth-generation shop, the kitchen still retains the rules handed down by their great-grandmother, who believed that good grass jelly requires not only skilled people but also respect for the heavens. Thankfully, their great-grandmother's skill has been passed down through the years, and this traditional culture is still alive today. They have creatively integrated and expanded grass jelly beyond catering to include many stories and valuable memories to help keep this valuable tradition alive.




記憶中的味道 傳承一甲子的黑金美食









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