
Taking the classroom outside: Guardian of the land

2020/09/16 16:58
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When the school bell rings at the end of the day, their teacher Xiu-zhen (秀珍) is still informing the students about the following day's events. It may be the end of the day, but in fact, their journey is just about to begin. Together with Xiuzhen, the students are about to leave the classroom and enter the forest to follow the footsteps of an ancient people. Their destination is Padain, the birthplace of the Paiwan indigenous people of Taiwan.

The students were visibly excited to trace the river upstream and eat rice dumplings. Although there are no city conveniences or bright lights, the students are full of warmth and good-humored. This journey is the brainchild of their teacher Xiu-zhen, who has a deep love of Taiwan's land and culture. Besides taking the students on such trips to ancient indigenous mountain villages, Xiu-zhen also enjoys discussing all kinds of topics with her students to help them get to know and better understand themselves. Xiu-zhen has a deep love of the land and intends to continue facilitating her students' growth long into the future.




教室之外 土地文化的守護者







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