
PeoPo Citizen Journalism Workshop - Enrich yourself this summer!

2020/09/16 16:51
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During the summer vacation this August, we welcomed the second batch of students to PeoPo Citizen Journalism Workshop. These students participated in the week-long workshop at PTS, and then took their newly acquired skills to begin shooting citizen journalism reports. Following this, they returned to attend a weekly meeting to share video reports - a truly packed schedule for all!

PeoPo Citizen Journalism Workshop is completely free, taught in small groups led by experienced teachers, and produces outstanding results. Since seeing the performance of students who participated, many people are asking how to sign up for the next workshop. We release information regarding the PeoPo Citizen Journalism Workshop around March every year. Registration is not limited to students studying journalism or mass communications related departments. Still, you are required to explain your reasons for wishing to participate and the types of social issues that interest you. With a limited number of places available, we want to reserve them for those particularly interested in this field, so if you feel a burning interest in citizen journalism, remember to seize the opportunity and register for next year’s event.



PeoPo實習營課程豐富 明年三月報名請早








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