

2010/03/10 19:26
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2009年12月7日於日本京都所舉行的國際公共廣電年會上,公共電視馮賢賢總經理以PEOPO公民新聞平台為題,以及公民記者在風災與後續報導上的表現,發表演說,獲得全部與會代表高度的肯定。英國BBC全球新聞總監Philip Harding 親訪公視PEOPO後,近日在英國最重要的”衛報”發表PEOPO專文,


PeoPo helps Taiwanese public broadcaster to restore trust

這也證明了PEOPO公民新聞服務的作法,不但已與國際接軌,甚至在國際公共服務廣電社群,已成為網路新媒體發展的重要參考指標。(資料來源:Peopo )
我們再來看幾個相當專業的統計數字,這個全頻道排名,是國際收視率調查公司AGBNielsen針對台灣所有訂閱收視率的電視台進行的收視率調查。調查方式是在各地收視戶家中電視機安裝所謂People Meter的收視行為調查器,家中每位成員看電視時輸入代號,他的收視行為就會透過電腦傳到尼爾森公司的主機,每天從早上六點到次日凌晨兩點,所有收視行為都記錄下來,第二天以電子檔寄送給電視台客戶,讓他們了解每個節目有多少觀眾,觀眾輪廓如何(性別、年齡、地域、教育程度、職業、收入等)。
客觀且科學的調查機制,由於全年無休,每分鐘記錄觀眾收視行為,且樣本極大 (台灣有1800戶樣本,6000人參加調查),長期觀察,其數字高度穩度,能有效反應觀眾收視行為。

請比較2007 2008 2009 連續三年的調查排名,您如果仔細看三年來各頻道的競爭態勢,就可看出,每一個0.01個百分點都不容易得到,因為調查數字的整體趨勢穩定,沒有可辨識的異常狀況。公視在兩年內從後段班一路爬到中前段,可說篳路藍縷,絕非僥倖。






收視率調查不僅反映觀眾人數,也呈現觀眾輪廓,對於服務全民的公視來說,這個資料尤其重要。例如高雄世運開幕式的轉播,收視率調查顯示,南部觀眾佔五成,這對於南部觀眾偏低的公視,當然是重要資訊。又如自從開闢台語新聞以後,台語新聞觀眾輪廓顯示,主要觀眾群為農林漁牧,跟公視晚間新聞的觀眾截然不同 (公晚觀眾主要是都會、高學歷、高收入、意見領袖等),這難道不是在反應台語觀眾群的真實樣貌?。還有【痞子英雄】觀眾輪廓顯示,二十五歲以下年輕觀眾大幅增加,這也與公視直接得到的觀眾反應吻合。【爸媽扃很大】觀眾輪廓顯示,年輕觀眾比其他節目增加,且主要觀眾群集中在年輕族群與中年族群,也顯示公視想要促進兩代溝通的目標達成。(資料來源:公共電視)
ch       指 chanel,也就是各家頻道名稱。以2009年為例,全年排名第一的FTV,就是民視。
TVR   指收視率 (TV rating),民視全年平均1.15,意思是母體數 2180萬人的 1.15% (收視率調查的樣本為四歲以上人口,依台灣人口結構做抽樣,而四歲以上人口總共2180萬人 ( 1.15% x 2180= 250.7 千人))
 "000   指千人數,也就是 “多少個一千人“的意思,以民視為例,全年平均250.7個千人數,也就是平均25.07萬人,也就是上述收視率乘以母體數的結果
 share   指市佔率,即各頻道全年平均收視率在總體收視率中所佔比例。



公民記者 謝明海 2010/2/27


(附錄:英國BBC全球新聞總監Philip Harding在英國最重要的”衛報”發表PEOPO專文,全文如下:)
PeoPo helps Taiwanese public broadcaster to restore trust Public Television's citizen journalism project hailed a success

Whether Taiwan's media are among the most free in Asia, or not, there are certainly a lot of outlets. The island has eight 24-hour news channels, 20 evening newscasts, 4,000 magazines, 2,500 newspapers and 200 radio stations – all for a population of 23 million. But the Taiwanese media are also ranked by users as being the least trusted in Asia, according to the Edelman Asia Pacific survey.
Faced with such widespread public distrust, Public Television in Taiwan – a public broadcaster in the same way as the BBC – has launched an impressive multimedia citizen journalism project called PeoPo (an abbreviation of People's Post).
It's a project that goes much further than most news organisations' limp pleas to viewers to "send us your photos and videos". In just over two years about 4,000 PeoPo members have contributed over 30,000 completed reports to its website. When Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan last August killing more than 700 people and causing widespread devastation, it was the PeoPo project, with its widespread and persistent team of video reporters, which shamed the government into getting much-needed aid to the stricken areas.
Contributors must join PeoPo to post reports on the site but once registered, they are free to contribute what they like without moderation or interference. If someone objects to a report, it is forwarded to the contributor who is invited to reconsider and amend it if they want to. The TV station reserves the right to remove material, but it has never done so.
One of the ways quality is maintained is by an extensive training programme for members. The project has run over 300 face-to-face workshops; there are 50 online training videos.
The mainstream public television channel has integrated this output into its programmes. There is a daily five-minute programme on the best stories filed that day and at the weekend the main news bulletins carry at least four PeoPo reports. PeoPo could well be a model for citizen journalism in the future.



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鳳凰山 (未驗證) ・ 2010/03/10 23:26


鳳凰山 (未驗證) ・ 2010/03/10 23:26