
Regenerating the culture of military dependents' villages

2020/06/24 09:29
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Sanchung's Air Force First Village in New Taipei City is the last fully intact military dependents’ village in Taiwan. In 2004, the local villagers began to engage in discussions and planning with the Cultural Affairs Bureau with the hope of registering the dependents’ village as a historic site. By preserving the unique historical features alongside the development of the cultural and creative industries, they aim to transform the military dependents' village into a cultural park.

At a specific time and place in the past, a group of soldiers retreated from mainland China and began building a new life in Taiwan. With soldiers from a diverse range of provinces in China, the military dependents' village became a melting pot of different ethnic cultures. In that era of relative resource scarcity, military dependents' villages were places that cultivated unique lifestyles and interpersonal relationships.

The combination of history and arts resources in Sanchung's Air Force First Village’s has injected new life into the dependents’ village culture. It has become a site to preserve and reproduce the culture of dependents’ villages as well as a space for local tourism, where the public can be transported back in time. As if walking into a historical living textbook, people are able to experience the distinctive cultural landscape and local customs of yesteryear.




眷村文化與再生 空軍一村








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