Elementary kids in creativity challenge – Robotics classes enter the campus
Today’s elementary curriculums try to keep abreast of the times, and now courses such as artificial intelligence, programming language, and robotics are all very popular in school campuses. The creativity of elementary school students and their ability to apply what they have learned to produce finished products has been an eye-opening experience to all.
The interesting thing about citizen journalism is that searches on the same topic often reveal a mutual resonance in reports from citizen journalists in different regions. By placing reports on PeoPo Webcast for viewing, one can find similar characteristics and common development trends around the country. So, if any citizen journalists are aware of schools with similar developments, you could perhaps report on the same topic to help the spread news.
公民新聞有趣的地方就是,同一個主題搜尋,往往可以發現,在不同地區的公民記者不約而同有類似的報導互相輝映,放在webcast 一起看,更能發現各地的特色以及共同發展趨勢,如果公民記者朋友知道哪所學校有這樣的特色發展,或許也可以一起加入報導行列,讓更多人看到。