
Youth returns home to farm the land and plant Sweet Gold

2020/01/08 11:33
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Winter is the high season for “Sweet Gold” cherry tomatoes, which are rich in beta carotene and have three times the vitamin C content of ordinary tomatoes. Ever since Kaohsiung’s Meinong District began promoting the cultivation of Sweet Gold cherry tomatoes, young people have been returning home to plant them. 25-year-old Huang Hua-yi (黃化邑), who was born and raised in the area, gave up his original job as a quality control engineer and returned to his hometown to help his mother grow tomatoes.


But despite his zeal and determination, family elders didn’t approve of his decision at first, and Hua-yi faced a great deal of disdain and disparaging remarks. Through dedicating all his time and energy to the family tomato business and sacrificing much of his recreation time, today, Hua-yi runs the whole show and is taking the load off of his mother. The time Hua-yi spends with his mother in the fields has provided a great opportunity for mother and son to build an even deeper bond.



青年返鄉當青農 種植在地香甜番茄







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