
Wetland Scenery - Salt pan education

2019/12/25 13:36
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Taiwan has a century-old tradition of salt production using various methods to extract salt. In 2000, due to a variety of reasons, the salt-production industry was transformed into cultural tourism and began producing “culture salt.” Each year, Zhou-Nan Salt Pan organizes salt-themed events that give adults and children a whole different experience and understanding of salt pans.


In the past, Budai Salt Pan was one of the six largest centers of salt production in Taiwan; however, it lost competitiveness in 2001 when Taiwan Salt Industrial Corporation set up a factory in the area. Faced with this new business challenge, Zhou-Nan Salt Pan integrated culture and innovation to develop tourism, organizing many educational, hands-on learning activities for teachers and students. Zhou-Nan Salt Pan’s combination of environmental education and leisure activities attracts the participation of many people each year, which is helping to create a new salt culture and pass on the area’s rich cultural heritage.



水地風光 鹽田教育

臺灣製鹽的百年歷史中,採用了不同的製鹽方式取鹽 , 直至2000年因不同原因由「產業鹽」轉型文化觀光、消費脈絡下的「文化鹽」。而洲南鹽場每年都會舉辦以鹽為主題的活動, 讓大人與小朋友一起對鹽田留下不一樣的體驗。







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