
Taiwan Ranks 2nd in the World at Int'l Warsaw Invention Show

2019/10/22 01:11
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The Taiwan delegation attended the 13th International Warsaw Invention Show (IWIS) in Poland, and won 3 platinum medals, 19 gold medals, 14 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals. In this year's activities, Taiwan succeeded to rank second in the world from a total of 25 participating countries, while the first place was occupied by the host. There are 400 products registered by participating countries in IWIS this year. The Taiwan Delegation listed 48 innovative products, including 13 technical inventions, and 10 scientific articles.


One of the most highlighted Taiwanese products is a ship that can convert air and water into fuel. The product was developed by Professor Uzu-Kuei HSU (徐子圭) from the Air Force Institute of Technology, and Rector of Pingtung University of Science and Technology, President Chang-Hsien TAI (戴昌賢). This 20-ton product has been used to sail to the South Pole back and forth only with sea water and air. In addition, on the way home, the ship also brought a full tank of diesel oil weighing 20 tons. This product won a platinum medal, which is the highest award at IWIS.
Professor Hsu Uzu-kuei is a scientist and a colonel in the Air Force who for years has been conducting research in the development of environmentally friendly energy to create this ship. In contrast to most innovative green energy products that usually function to store electricity, Professor Hsu's invention can store high-pressure air to act as a driving force. In addition to generating electricity from wind, sunlight and ocean waves, this ship can also produce hydrogen reactions from the electrolysis of carbon dioxide and seawater. With the help of wave power and heat from sunlight, high pressure air shock waves interact and dissociate to produce diesel fuel and methanol. He has also been nicknamed the “Inventor King” of the Taiwanese military.


One of the most highlighted Taiwanese products is a ship that can convert air and water into diesel fuel. 

One Taiwanese invention that received the special award was from a National Formosa University team led by Rong-Chuan LEE (李榮全), which engineered a “Smart Herd-monitoring Drone Apparatus.” The invention reportedly involves outfitting livestock with smart devices connected to aerial drones and a computer system, allowing farmers to monitor their herd's location and condition and, if necessary, the drones can help manage and direct the movement of the herds.(photo by CIIS)

Intriduction of Chinese Innovation and Invention Society  (CIIS)  https://youtu.be/1bQG-MKDmQ0 




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