
When tradition meets innovation: Monga Crossover bridges the generations

2019/09/11 14:40
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PeoPo推 0

Lanterns, incense, cakes, and Chinese medicine are all traditional crafts that have been passed down through the generations in Monga (Wanhua). At Longshan Cultural & Creative Base in Monga, the Bureau of Culture has been holding a series of activities on the theme "Monga Crossover," allowing classic and contemporary artisans to compete with each other. The exhibition provides a deeper understanding of Monga's past and present within Taiwan's development history and a fascinating glimpse into the first area in Taipei to witness urban development. It also shows how old stores have transformed to stay competitive. The united efforts of youth and local organizations have galvanized the traditional and innovative forces of Monga into action.


Aside from sharing stories of Monga’s traditional arts, heritage, and innovation, you can also learn how a new generation of artisans has reignited old traditions and helped to create a new range of products. Hopefully, the exchange between traditional crafts and modern innovation will breathe new life into Monga's cultural heritage and innovative enterprises.



這些匠人技藝除了展現出在地經典匠藝的故事、傳承與創新,還能了解到新世代工藝在與傳統對話後,如何賦予經典新生命,創作出新概念的作品。透過經典新創的交流,希望為艋舺文化傳承 及產業創新帶來艋舺新氣象。





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