

2009/11/03 12:32
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Hollywood joins politicians, artists and environmentalists in hard-hitting UN campaign to combat climate change

Nairobi, 18 September 2009 - Climate change is here and threatens us all, say Hollywood actors, film directors, environmentalists and politicians in a new UN public service announcement series, launched today.

Jeffrey Nachmanoff, co-writer of blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow, an apocalyptic science-fiction film that depicts catastrophic effects of global warming, has directed the series which urges viewers to sign the Climate Petition (www.sealthedeal2009.org).

Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), said: "The series is aimed a promoting public awareness and catalyzing action at the highest and humblest level to boost the prospects for a wide-ranging and transformative agreement at a crucial UN climate convention meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark in less than 80 days."

Speaking about the project, Jeffrey Nachmanoff said: "Climate change is such a pervasive and persistent challenge that it's difficult to get people to focus on it constructively. The Copenhagen conference represents a specific moment in time, and is an opportunity for action. My hope is that this campaign will encourage people to increase public pressure on world leaders to seize that opportunity."

The hard-hitting, Seal the Deal! public awareness campaign is being launched at the start of Global Climate Week, 21-25 September and was shot in six locations across four continents.

The videos feature President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives; Don Cheadle -Hollywood actor, film producer and author; Professor Wangari Maathai - Nobel Peace Prize Winner; Midori Goto - UN Messenger of Peace; Phillipe Cousteau - Animal Planet presenter and environmentalist; Saba Douglas-Hamilton - wildlife film maker.

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