
Miniature art, ancient craftsmanship – Passing on a century-old tradition

2018/12/18 09:26
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Tainan is a city full of history and culture, but with the advancement of science and technology, many traditional old techniques have gradually disappeared in the sands of time. However, in the North Lane of the West Central District in Tainan City, there lives a person called “North Lane Carving Hand,” aka Old Uncle De. A self-taught artisan who strongly upholds the spirit of “You’re never too old to learn,” he has created his own unique world of woodcarving.

“Those in the know should traverse the alleys, for many special designs lie within the warehouse!” Grandpa De's creative work helps people experience a taste of the past and forces us to ponder the gradual decline of the culture of creativity. His spirit and philosophy teach us that modern people are not only being gradually deprived of creative skills, but also the spirit of creativity.







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