兩大比賽: 10th 24-Hour Puzzle Championship 和 DSM2009
來介紹兩個近期的比賽 -
1. 10th 24-Hour Puzzle Championship
說明: 匈牙利每年辦理的24小時解題馬拉松賽, 共十幾回合。
方式: 公開比賽(要親自去匈牙利的)
時間: 4-6 September 2009 (匈牙利時間)
4 September (Friday):
arriving all day
welcome dinner
questioning time
5 September(Saturday):
11:00AM the championship begin (13 parts, each 100 minutes, and 10-20 minutes breaks)
6 September (Sunday):
11:00AM the championship is over
12:00 Prize-giving ceremony
說明檔: http://rejtveny.atw.hu/24hours/2009/10_24HPC_INSTR.pdf
另外, 下載說明檔時碰到有趣(或是讓我差點很驚喜)的事
因為我住在學校, 所以用的是學校網路, 也就是教育部管的…
然後在我點選下載說明檔時, 發生了!!
當然, 最後這一切都是誤會… (殘念)
2. DSM2009
說明: 德國辦理的WSC 數獨世界盃國內初賽(但世界各地的人都可以參加)。
方式: 線上比賽(雖然第二階段決賽是面對面的公開賽, 不過既然你不是德國人, 也就不用擔心那檔事了)
時間: 9/19 2009 12:00 – 24:00 (德國時間)
方式: 在上述時間內任意時刻都可以按下按鍵取得密碼開始, 時間限制 2小時
Participation Conditions
1. The participants have to register timely before the contest and to add Name, Address, Citizenship and e-mail-address. It's recomended to do this before sunday, 13rd of September.
2. The purpose of the contest is to identify the German Sudoku Champion and the German Team for the World Sudoku Championships. For this, the participants need to have the german citizenship. Participants without the german citizenship may also participate in the preliminaries, but will not be allowed to the finals.
3. A membership in the association "Logic Masters Deutschland e.V." is not necessary. (But of course welcome).
4. For the prelimiaries your browser needs to accept cookies. Make sure that you've configuered your browser to accept them. Additionally, there is a counter on the website, that shows the time till the end. In case, javascript is activated, this counter counts automatically down. Javascript is not necessary for the contest.
The Preliminaries
1. About a week before the preliminaries, there will be a link on the Qualification page to a pdf file, that contains detailed descriptions of the puzzles. In case of lack of clarity you can ask questions in the forum until friday 18th of September.
2. At saturday, 19th of September in the morning, there will be a password encrypted qualification file available at the same page. Both files are in format pdf 1.4.
3. At saturday, 19th of September you can query the password. Immediately after that your time starts. You've now got 2 hours to enter the solutions of the puzzles. Please note, that solutions entered after 24:00 will not count, regardless, when you queried the password.
4. The candidates have to solve alle puzzles self-contained. Especially the help of other persons as well as the usage of computers, calculators, sudoku solvers, books and so on are not allowed. The only tools allowed are listed on the Tipps & Tricks page.
5. For every correctly solved puzzle there will be avarded points according to the qualification file. Wrong solutions will yield a penalty of 5 points. A puzzle where you did not enter a solution will be worth 0 points. You can also cancel a solution by leaving the form empty.
The points in the qualification file give roughly the time we expect you to need to solve the puzzle.
6. You have to enter all solutions in the two hours of working time. Solutions entered late will be punished with 1 point for every started 8 seconds. You can send solutions several times. We will count the one you sended last.
7. In case of equal points the time between the query of the password and the last essential transfer of a solution will be taken as a critereia. A transfer will be considered as essential if at least one result of one puzzle has changed.
8. The organizers do not expect any technical problems. In case there are some, they will be announced at the technical problems page. There you'll also find an emergency phone number.
9. The rules of the contest have to be kept by all participants. From the winners of the preliminaries, we might ask to sign a loyalty oat. Participants who violate this rules might be removed from the contest at free will of the referees.
10. The judge's decision is final.
(係滴, 本人這次就懶得翻譯了)
比賽網頁: http://www.logic-masters.de/DSM2009/index.php
附註: 這是我去年的比賽經驗 http://www.peopo.org/puzzles/post/23350