
Closing the gap between universities and local culture

2018/10/11 17:03
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National Chiao Tung University and Dongmen Public Retail Market may both in Hsinchu City, but they are worlds apart. Though established sixty years ago, the university is still much younger than the market, which has a century of history behind its name. Despite this, the disconnection between the university and the local culture is something many feel to be an unhealthy social phenomenon. In a bid to close the gap, several professors from Chiao Tung University launched a music performance in Dongmen Market, guiding students to experience the local market culture and get involved in the creative industries. 

Dongmen Market used to be the largest traditional market in Taiwan and had the first electric escalator in Hsinchu; however, there has been a steady decline in business, and buildings have gradually fallen into disrepair. Fortunately, Hsinchu City Government and National Chiao Tung University have cooperated to host music, dance, and storytelling events, as well as various visual art exhibitions in the market, slowly bridging the cultural gap between the university and local area.








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