The little tour guides of Gaomei Wetlands
On your last holiday visit to Gaomei Wetlands, did you notice a group of youngsters holding pictures and information boards while introducing the local ecology to tourists? They are a group of local students providing guided tours of Gaomei Wetlands. Under instruction from their teacher at Gaomei Elementary School, the kids spend weekends at school learning about ecology and pay regular visits to Gaomei Wetlands to provide on-site guided tours to holiday revelers.
So next time you visit Gaomei Wetlands, you might want to consider asking these little tour guides to introduce the local ecology. In addition to giving them a platform to build confidence, it is also a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the history, culture, and ecology of Gaomei.
假日來到高美濕地,是否有注意到一群孩子們拿著圖片或說明板,在為遊客解說生態? 他們就是高美濕地生態小解說員。在當地高美國小老師帶領下,這群孩子除了利用假日來學校學習生態,每隔一段時間就會到高美濕地上戰場實地解說為遊客服務。