
Taiwan’s youth voice out for the rights of comfort women

2018/08/23 11:55
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PeoPo推 0

On the 14th of August, a group of young Taiwanese people wearing black clothes and white facemasks attended Comfort Women Remembrance Day to represent fifty-nine elderly comfort women who were unable to be present. For close to thirty years, Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation and many comfort women have been fighting for justice and gather each year to reaffirm their unchanging position and demands: these include a formal apology to the victims; reflection over war responsibility; and the assurance that such a thing will never happen again. Representatives for the comfort women presented the protest letter to Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association.

In addition to the backing of civic organizations, people from all domains of society hope the government will stand up and provide a pillar of support for comfort women, a sentiment reflected in youth representatives, who are trying to raise awareness and encourage young people to voice out on the issue. The participation of young people has important significance in passing on the human rights flame to the next generation and ensures that the determination to pursue historical justice will continue. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, Taiwan’s elderly comfort women will receive a formal apology.









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