
Assisting seniors through communal meal program

2018/05/02 11:17
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Encouraging senior citizens to get out of the house and gather for a communal meal where they can chat, laugh, and meet new friends has been a policy promoted by the government in recent years. Currently, however, there is a shortage of venues in which seniors can share a meal together, and many places are without cooking facilities, forcing villages to send out for bento boxes. This not only fails to achieve the government’s aim of getting elderly residents out of the home and integrating them into the community but is possibly also a health risk due to the lack of nutritional value in such meals.


In addition to laying on communal meals for senior citizens, Zhengde Village also organizes morning walks and various classes each week, bringing residents together and ensuring senior citizens have learning opportunities throughout their golden years. Communal meals and community activities not only provide valuable opportunities for senior citizens to have regular human contact but also build friendships between locals and help to maintain a warm and friendly community atmosphere.







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