
Passionate social enterprise reinvigorates Dashu community

2018/01/31 11:13
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PeoPo推 0

A number of years ago, a former old Taiwan Railways' dormitory building located at Jiuqutang Railway Station in Dashu District, Kaohsiung City, was rented by a local woman to establish a social enterprise called “No.73 Fuxing Street” (復興街七十三號).” Since that time, the building has undergone a radical transformation, with brightly colored murals now embellishing the perimeter walls and art pieces decorating the courtyard. No.73 Fuxing Street has been working hard to solve issues affecting the community, which include a shortage of agricultural workers, a lack of women’s employment opportunities, and few options for tourists visiting the area.

With this in mind, No.73 Fuxing Street has worked to improve the agricultural domain and cooperated with travel agencies to promote local tourism, putting together a number of hands-on tours that allow people to experience the fun of harvesting crops. On top of this, a number of other initiatives have been implemented, including opening craft classes to teach women new skills so they can become teachers or find steady jobs; designing a range of Dashu postcards to sell as tourist souvenirs; and establishing art installations in the green space around the station to boost the area’s cultural atmosphere.








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